And find your true self

how it all began 


I truly believe that the journey of discovering our true selves is the most precious and fulfilling path we can take in life. Yet, many of us spend most of our time disconnected. We get caught up in our heads, listening to our inner critic who gives us all the wrong ideas about ourselves. This used to be me…

For many years, I lived in a constant state of feeling out of balance, always pushing and striving to accomplish. But as time passed a deep longing for something else began to grow within me…

Overwhelmed by the hustle and bustle of life, I looked for ways to stay grounded and found myself drawn to the spiritual realm. Yoga and Meditation became my tools for reconnecting with my Inner Being. Through these practices I slowly started to awaken to my Soul, discovering that all I had ever longed for was already within me.

I gradually allowed more spiritual elements to enter my life and started to explore KAP, Kundalini Activation Process which allowed me to tap even deeper into my innermost being. It was a truly transformative experience that shifted my perspective and allowed me to see the world in a different light. Suddenly, I felt a sense of belonging that I had never felt before - as if I had finally come HOME. This work has continued to evolve and transform, and I am now facilitating Life Force Activation classes.

I have come to recognize that the desire for something else, the longing - can be an invitation to gain a deeper understanding of our true selves and our purpose beyond the surface level of our lives and our conditioned selves. Fear of the unknown can keep us in our comfort zones, but I believe that your curiosity surpasses that fear, just like it did for me....

I have learned that life is never perfect, not from the mind’s perspective at least. There will always be times of difficulty. However, when I began to more fully surrender, things started to feel easier. I could go with the flow a bit more and not get so caught up in every little thing. This has been a real positive shift for me, and I just wanted to encourage you to embrace your own unique journey. Life is perfectly crafted to teach us lessons and grow us in ways that can only be done through truly living. Each encounter, each distress, each pleasure, every despair; all of it has its own sort of perfection.

Throughout the years of teaching yoga and meditation, I have noticed a strong desire among many to find a deeper connection with themselves. It's a feeling I truly understand, and it has inspired me to create this space where I offer LFA, Yoga, Meditation practices and inspirations to support individuals in living a more aligned life.

From my own personal journey, I know that moving beyond your comfort zone require commitment, awareness and surrendering. Making the intuitive leap to live closer to your truth takes immense bravery - you must live, breathe and become the change you wish for; however once you do, there will be

...magic in your life                         

Yvette holds a Bachelor's degree in Psychology from Sweden and is certified in nutrition, wellness and stress management. As a LFA-facilitator, Cacao- and Breathwork facilitator and space holder, trained in mysticism and a certified yoga teacher with 500 hours+ of training, her teachings are grounded in Feminine embodiment and soul-led-living. Today Yvette's practice has evolved into a mindful integration of movement, breath, meditation, and energy-work designed to support YOU.

my services


I know I'm not the only one who want to feel embodied, present and whole.

I have always been passionate about helping others and encouraging people to lead meaningful and fulfilling lives. This inspired me to create this space, where I share my thoughts and ideas how to live a life more guided from within, and to explore life with an open heart.

I hope to empower and inspire you to explore your inner depths, and to grow and transform into your highest self.

Embodied, Present & Whole

with love, 




So you can embrace who you really are.

Don’t just take my word for it


“I'm so thankful for Yvette and her yoga classes. At a time when I was really struggling, she provided me with the calming voice and helpful guidance I needed to find more inner peace. Her class has been an invaluable source of solace and relaxation in my life.

-Sandra, Sweden