Embodied dance - to reunite Body, Mind, and Soul.

Dance to free yourself from the burdens of the past and the unknown of the future

Dance to lose yourself in the moment

Dance to feel present, whole and embodied

Dance is one of the most ancient art forms in the world, connecting body, mind and soul in a way that can be deeply spiritual. It’s a means of bridging the connection between the physical world and the spiritual realm, and allows for a deeper connection with the rhythm of life.

Dance has been an integral part of human and spiritual evolution since the dawn of time, and has played an important role in the spiritual and cultural growth of many faiths and traditions. It was used in ancient societies to communicate with the gods, uniting people in celebrations, showing reverence for the divine and to venture beyond the boundaries of the physical world.

Despite being seen more as a physical exercise these days, dance can offer us a chance to explore our innermost beings and express our deepest emotions. I would call it a holistic workout for the body, mind and soul instead of merely a physical activity. Having felt the positive impact of dance in my own life, I truly believe it can be a beautiful tool for you as well. Therefor, I'd like to share my perspective on one of my favorite forms of spiritual self-care, which I like to call Embodied Dance, a way to let the body express itself through free movements.

I find that allowing myself to move without restrictions enables my movements to come from a more profound source within. Through my personal experience, this practice has been incredibly powerful in connecting more deeply with the body as well as grounding into the here and now. Along many other practices I think sacred dance truly helps in embodying the union of the soul and the body, bridging the known with the unknown.


The quickest way to still the mind is to move the body


Our physical selves contain the memories of our experiences

The word emotion is derived from the latin word: “emovere” meaning to move, move out or move through. Our feelings should be experienced, expressed, and moved through, not held back. This way, emotions become a way to get to know ourselves. Every emotion is something to be embraced, providing a path to greater understanding.

Experience the whole range of emotions that living brings - from the highest of highs to the deepest of lows, is a natural part of being human. However, facing our feelings can be intimidating, which is why we often tend to flee rather than confront them. The problem isn't emotions or feelings themselves, they come with being a human, but how we handle them. Avoidance, denial, or suppression of our emotions results in them being trapped within us, and when held for too long, they will eventually overflow. As a result of this habit of keeping our experiences inside, we can feel trapped and stuck in our lives.

The main thing holding us back from expressing ourselves freely is likely the fear of being judged, humiliated, or ashamed. This is why I believe sacred dance has so much potential. Within the privacy of your own home, in your sacred space, no one will judge or criticize you. Whatever moves through you can be brought to the surface and freely expressed, allowing you to experience more freedom in your life. The more we process our life experiences, the greater our sense of unity and wholeness will be.

Getting lost in the day-to-day mundane activities can be easy, yet I believe that many of us yearn to reach the depths of our inner being, to experience a connection to something beyond ourselves. We are not simply robots going through our days; we are intricate beings consisting of both earthly and spiritual aspects, and our lives are a complex interplay between our human and divine elements. Connecting within in moving meditations enables a greater capacity to observe and listen to the body's messages, emotions, and feelings. And when are tapping in to the more subtle voice and communication within we are living more from our souls than our minds, which I believe is a sacred experience.

The body says what words cannot
— Martha Graham

Get into the practice

Expressing authentic feelings through dancing can feel very exposing, especially if you are new to it, since you are essentially sharing your innermost self through your movements. Therefor, I would recommend you to find a place where you can be alone doing it. Even if it can feel vulnerable to express emotions, it's nothing to be afraid of. Just as life is constantly shifting and changing, emotions are too. Knowing that even the most difficult and hurtful emotions will eventually subside can be a comfort. The most effective way to move past them is to communicate them truthfully.

Getting into the embodied dance practice can also be difficult at first, so don't give up if you experience some awkwardness. Allow your body and mind some time to let go, surrender and embrace it.

Find a time that suits you; I’m a morning person and beginning my day with this practice is a beautiful way to get ready for whatever the day may bring. However, if I ever find myself too caught up in my head, I also like to take a short break and shake it off to a song. It's really an effective way to immediately get grounded.

I also find that wearing headphones and closing my eyes helps me to fully get into the practice, but be open to what works best for you and just go for it!


I have created a playlist for you, find it on Spotify!

If you have the opportunity, I highly recommend moving through several of the songs, but if not, you can just pick one or two for your practice.


So, this is my invitation for you to welcome the feminine Shakti energy to flow through you. Turn up the music and begin to dance in whatever way feels right. There are no rules or guidelines, just whatever brings you freedom and feels natural to you. Trust your body to move and express whatever it needs to.

let your body be your guidE 

Shakti - the divine feminine energy


Beginnings, endings and baby steps