Connecting with the spirit of cacao

Cacao has a rich history that dates back to ancient Mesoamerican cultures. The Mayans and Aztecs were among the first to recognize the value of this plant and its delicious fruit. According to their beliefs, cacao was a divine gift from the gods and was highly valued for its spiritual and medicinal properties.


With its deep roots in tradition, ceremonial cacao has become a popular choice for those seeking a meaningful and spiritual experience. But it's not just the ritual and tradition that makes ceremonial cacao so captivating. This beautiful drink is also known for its numerous health benefits. For centuries, the natural compounds present in cacao have been celebrated for their healing properties, from mood-enhancing to heart-boosting.

A divine and magical gift from the gods

It was considered the elixir of life, a sacred medicine, and a potent aphrodisiac. The respect for this sacred plant was paramount in their culture, as it was used as a ritual aid in their religious ceremonies. The magic of the cacao bean brought to life the essence of their beliefs and traditions, and it continues to be a symbol of reverence and admiration in modern times.


What is the difference between ceremonial cacao and cacao powder?

Ceremonial grade cacao differs from regular cacao in its minimal and pure processing. Regular cacao powder is roasted at high temperatures, reducing its nutritional value. Additionally, commercial cacao powder is processed to remove cacao butter, resulting in the loss of enzymes, healthy fat, and energetic properties. In contrast, ceremonial cacao is a pure superfood from nature, with nothing added or removed.


The magical and connecting power of cacao on our hearts and spirits

When we invite ceremonial cacao into our lives, we embark on a journey of profound self-discovery and inner connection. The process of making and drinking ceremonial cacao is not just a physical act, but a spiritual one as well. As we prepare the cacao, we infuse it with all of our love, wishes, and positive intentions, making it a sacred ritual in and of itself.

When we slowly sip our cacao, we bring all of our energy into it, taking the time to connect with the spirit of cacao. We invite her into our bodies and hearts, allowing her to connect us to our highest selves and intentions.

Ceremonial cacao is not just a beverage, but a tool for transformation and growth. It can help us to cultivate a deeper sense of self-awareness and self-love, allowing us to connect more deeply with ourselves and others. It can also help us to tap into our creativity and intuition, unleashing our full potential and helping us to live more fulfilling and joyful lives.


Physical and mental benefits from a cacao and why we should opt for cacao rather than coffee


Anti-inflammatory - It is an excellent source of antioxidants, surpassing even blueberries and red wine.

High in minerals - it contains a significant amount of minerals, particularly magnesium. This is why it can have a calming effect on the nervous system, unlike coffee which stimulates it. Different individuals have different experiences with drinking cacao before going to sleep. While some find it beneficial for promoting better sleep, others may experience the opposite effect. You simply have to find out what works best for you.

Cacao is called the “heart medicine” - Some people describe how they feel how they’re vibrating from the heart when drinking cacao. This buzzy, energetic feeling emanates from the heart and is associated with a chemical known as Theobroma, which is also referred to as "the food of the gods." Scientifically, Theobroma acts as a stimulant for the heart, creating an immediate connection. Additionally, it strengthens and builds heart health, making it beneficial for anyone suffering from high blood pressure.

Increases neurotransmitters - Cacao possesses a unique power to boost brain chemicals, promoting mental sharpness and focus. Furthermore, it acts as a natural mood lifter by triggering the release of serotonin, dopamine, and endorphins, leading to a state of euphoria and inner bliss.

Detoxing our system - Cacao helps in the detoxification of our liver and kidneys, promoting a thorough cleanse and purification of our entire body.

Promoting feelings of Bliss - Anandamide, also known as the bliss molecule, is a chemical found within us that allows us humans to experience a euphoric and blissful sensation from within. Among all the plants in the world, cacao is the sole one that also contain small quantities of this molecule. When we consume cacao, we are essentially increasing the levels of this blissful chemical within us, thereby intensifying the already existing sense of bliss. In Sanskrit, the term "Ananda" translates to bliss, perfectly capturing the essence of this phenomenon.

Promoting feelings of love - Cacao holds within it a substance called phenylethylamine, which is often referred to as the love-chemical. This natural mood enhancer prompts the brain to release feel-good chemicals, or endorphins. This same chemical is activated and released in our bodies when we experience the feeling of falling in love. When we consume cacao, it signals to our minds that we are in love. What we experience is often a feeling of self-love. However, when we come together in a ceremonial gathering, cacao can greatly enhance our bond with others and amplify the beautiful love we collectively share.


If you feel called to deepen your connection with the spirit of cacao, dedicate a moment each day to honor this practice. Engage in a daily ceremony and establish a profound connection with both yourself and the spirit of cacao and nature. This ritual is accessible to everyone, and can last from 5 minutes to as long as you desire. The love you bring to this medicine will eventually be mirrored back to you. As we deepen our connection, we in turn cultivate more love and appreciation.


What I love so much about this plant medicine is that it’s so gentle, it has a very feminine energy to it. It gracefully opens the door to love and compassion, while also unleashing your creativity and expanding your consciousness. Regularly connecting with the essence of cacao offers new perspectives and access to inner wisdom. She guides us to rediscover our authentic selves, free from societal expectations. By quieting the mind and embracing the heart, we can remember who we truly are. This daily ritual has reminded me of my inner strength and the power that lies in setting intentions. By directing our energy, we have the ability to shape our lives and manifest our deepest desires. Our actions create ripples that can inspire others to transform as well.

Cacao gradually reveals to us that we are all embodiments of love. It brings peace and affection upon our lives.
Read more about my favorite cacao recipes HERE 

Ceremonial Cacao recipes and rituals